Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lift And Carry By Girlfriend Girlfriend Problem..?

Girlfriend problem..? - lift and carry by girlfriend

I is 14 and my G / F 12th shes is beautiful and I love her, but she is much taller than me, that's a little embarrassing, but secretly, I think I
which is always fun, this is bigger than me, but lately she has begun to be domintating as if I pull on my knees. and one day he wanted to see if he could get up and I could! actally she lifted me like a baby and carried me down the stairs, he felt very hot. and the next day, I knocked myself out and all won! It took me back and hit me in bed. which is very handy sometimes COS the other day, I hurt my foot and gave me a "piggyback"

by the way they want no more than kiss, I'm mature enough to wait for years.

But I love when she has this kind of cugh, but the other day I had my classmates and was rwally embarrassing.

I must say that I want to do in private? I know that honesty is important in a relationship


fgfd g said...

If I tell you like it, but to do his embaressing before his colleagues

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